Parent Handbook
- Attendance
- School-Family Communication
- District Policies
- Educational Benefits Program
- Electronics
- Get Involved At Oak Ridge
- Outdoor Gear
- Safety
- School Nurse
- School Policies
- Transportation
- Students in Daycare
- Absences and Attendance
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Arriving Late or Leaving Early
- When to Stay Home
- School Closing/Delayed Start
- Student Withdrawal
Absences and Attendance
For safety reasons, parents must report student absences via one of the following options: absence form (available in English, Spanish and Somali), by emailing the school office at, or by calling the school’s attendance line at (651) 683-6969, mailbox 82764, by 9am each day their child is absent. Parents must report a reason for the absence.
Please make every effort to plan vacations around school breaks. School work will be made up when the student returns to school.
Excessive absences may result in a letter of concern from the school.
Arrival and Dismissal
School safety patrol members with stop flags are stationed at Johnny Cake Ridge Road/school driveway and at Clemson Drive/Johnny Cake Ridge Road before and after school to assist students in crossing the street safely. Patrols are available from 9:15 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. to 3:55 p.m. each day.
Students should not arrive at school prior to 9:15 am.
No supervision is available before 9:15 am as staff members are preparing for the school day. Students who arrive before 9:15 am will remain outside until the bell rings.
Guidelines for morning arrival:
- Students enter the building at 9:15 a.m. Please do not drop off prior to 9:15 a.m.
- Be prepared for drop off before you reach the parking lot (i.e., backpacks zipped, shoes tied, jackets on, hugs given).
- When your vehicle reaches the sidewalk, your child should exit and begin walking to the front doors.
- Stay in your vehicle. We will provide supervision for your child as he/she walks to the front doors of the school. You may exit the parking lot after your child leaves your vehicle.
Guidelines for afternoon dismissal:
- Families enter the parent pick up line by the north entrance off Clemson Drive. Display the Household Number*. The parent pick up line is the only place car riders should meet families.
- Families who plan to meet their child in the office should park in the parking lot and come through the front doors to the office.
- Students are not released through the Community Events Entrance or directly to the parking lot.
*Household pick up numbers are distributed at August Assessment Days. Contact the office for a replacement or additional copies.
Arriving Late or Leaving Early
If you need to pick up or drop off your child during the school day, park your vehicle in the parking lot. Please avoid the yellow curbs. If you are picking up your child, enter the main entrance and sign your child out in the main office. He/She will be called to the office to meet you. If you have an appointment, remember that it may take a few minutes for your child to be prepared to leave school. If your child is being dropped off at school in the morning after 9:30 a.m., park your car and walk to the main entrance with your child and call the school number to let us know they have arrived.
We understand that changes in pick up arrangements occur from time to time, and our office staff will assist you to make sure that students get home safely. Call the office or send a note to school if your child will be going home with a friend or another person who does not normally pick up. Notify us in advance and before 3pm so we can avoid classroom interruptions and communicate information to staff in a timely manner. Do not email your child’s teacher, as he/she may not have the opportunity to check email messages during the school day. Consistent pick up routines are safest, as they minimize last minute changes and prevent confusion. Parents will need to come in the school to sign out students in the office vestibule when this is not a daily routine.
When to Stay Home
Guidelines for whether or not to send your child to school
We want children in school and ready to learn. The following guidelines have been established to help determine when children should remain at home. They may need to rest at home if they have:
- Fever of 100.4 or higher - can return when fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
- Strep throat - can return after 12 hours of antibiotics and fever free for 20 hours without fever reducing medication.
- Vomiting or diarrhea (without a known reason) - can return 20 hours after last episode.
- Rash (without a known reason) with behavior change or fever of 100.4 or greater.
- Excessive coughing that persists and makes it difficult to participate in school.
- Not healthy enough to participate in routine school activities.
When your child is feeling ill please don’t hesitate to call your school nurse with questions or concerns. We prefer your child remain at home for 24 hours after the above symptoms have subsided to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases and allow full recovery from the illness.
The school district will follow the guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health for recommended exclusion and notification for vaccine-preventable diseases (mumps, measles, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria, viral hepatitis, chickenpox and meningitis). There will be no other classroom or grade level notification for communicable diseases.
School Closing/Delayed Start
Student Withdrawal
School-Family Communication
Email and Other Communication
Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher with any concerns or questions via email or phone. If you call and the teacher is not available, please leave your name and number, and the teacher will return your call at his/her first opportunity. We will not interrupt classrooms during the normal student day.
Email is the school's primary way to communicate with families. Be sure that your correct email address is on file with the office. School-wide update emails are sent to all families each Friday.
Other forms of communication include:
- Oak Ridge Web Site contains all school information, including lunch menus, calendars, and events.
- Friday Folders are sent home weekly with all students and should be returned to school on Monday. These folders will include your child’s work, school papers, and district flyers.
- Social Media highlights learning and fun activities at Oak Ridge. Find us @OakRidgeMagnet on Facebook, Instagram and X.
- The Spotlight Community Newsletter is published quarterly by the District Office. The Spotlight communicates information to all citizens in the district. Items such as a district calendar, upcoming events, summaries of School Board meetings, etc., are printed for your information. If you do not receive the Spotlight, call the District Office at (651) 423-7700.
Report Cards
District 196 elementary schools operate on a trimester system. Report cards are available through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal at the end of each trimester (December, March and June). To view your student's report card, sign in to Infinite Campus, then click the three lines in the upper left corner and select Documents. If you have not yet set up your Parent Portal account, please refer to Portal Setup Instructions.
The purpose of the report card is to communicate a student’s achievement in academics, social skills, and effort based on our district grade level expectations and standards. A grading scale of 1-4 is used, based on rubrics with easy-to-understand descriptors of what the student is able to do in each of the four achievement levels: 1) Limited, 2) Developing, 3) Proficient and 4) Exemplary. See the District's Elementary School page for more information.
Conferences are an important time for families. You will learn about your child’s progress, have an opportunity to ask questions, and discuss plans for continued growth and improvement.
Formal conferences are held twice each school year in the fall and winter. Evening and day appointments are available. You will be notified via email when it's time to schedule a conference appointment with your child's classroom teacher. Appointments to meet with specialists (music, physical education, art, STEM) and other interventionists may also be requested.
District Policies
Bullying Prevention
Anti-Bullying Official
Name of official: Dr. Cathy Kindem
Title: Principal
Telephone: 651-683-6970
In accordance with the Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act, we affirm that students have the right to be safe and free from threatening situations while on school property, at school activities and in district vehicles. Bullying interferes with students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to educate. It is our intent to prevent bullying from occurring, and to investigate and respond to any instance of bully that has not been prevented.
District 196 is committed to educating all students by providing a wide array of opportunities to be successful. In our schools, that begins with a safe and welcoming environment in which to learn.
Bullying behavior is not acceptable. If you are subjected to bullying or see it happening, report the incident to a staff member right away. The designated person to receive bullying reports and ensure the policy is enforced is listed below.
For more information about reporting and responding to bullying and a comprehensive definition of bullying, view our policies: 503.8AR, Bullying Prohibition or District Procedure 503.8P, Report of Bullying Behavior.
Bullying Stops Here
A parents' guide to recognizing and responding to bullying
We believe that teachers and students perform their best when a culture of respect is established.
In District 196, all schools establish strategies for creating a positive school climate and use evidence-based social-emotional learning to prevent and reduce discrimination and other improper conduct. Staff model, teach and reinforce expected behaviors using research-based, developmentally appropriate best practices that include preventable and remedial measures and effective discipline to deter bullying throughout the school.
Everyone has the right to a safe and inclusive learning environment
All schools in District 196 implement a schoolwide bullying prevention program as part of a program of positive behavior support. These programs foster active student, parent and community participation.
- What is bullying?
- Common signs of a bullied child
- What should I do about a child I think/know is being bullied?
- What if my child is bullying?
What is bullying?
District 196 Policy 503.8AR defines bullying as:
- Intimidating, threatening, abusive or harming conduct that is objectively offensive and:
- There is an actual or perceived imbalance of power between the student engaging in the conduct and the target of the conduct, and the conduct repeats or forms a pattern, or
- Materially and substantially interferes with a student’s educational opportunities or performance or ability to participate in school functions or activities or receive school benefits, services or privileges.
Scope of student bullying:
Bullying can occur as physical, verbal or cyber bullying. District policy applies when there is bullying by a student against another student enrolled in District 196 and occurs:
- On school premises, at school functions or activities, or on school transportation;
- By use of electronic device and communications on school premises, during the school functions or activities, on school transportation, or on school computers, networks, forums, and mailing lists, or
- By use of electronic device and communications off school premises to the extent such use substantially and materially disrupts student learning or the school environment.
Common signs of a bullied child
What should I do about a child I think/know is being bullied?
What if my child is bullying?
It is important to get to the root cause of this behavior and help your child understand the consequences of bullying others. Common signs of a bullied child:
- Talk with your child. Help them understand what defines bullying and emphasize that negative behavior is not appropriate.
- Teach empathy, respect and compassion. Try to understand your child’s feelings and help your child appreciate how others feel when they are bullied.
- Provide clear and consistent consequences for bullying. Be specific about what will happen if the bullying continues.
- Be realistic. It takes time. Be patient as your child learns new ways of handling feelings and conflict. Reward positive behavior.
Anti-Bullying Resources
As required by Title IX and other state and federal nondiscrimination laws, District 196 does not discriminate in employment or in any of its education programs and activities, including vocational opportunities, on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, marital status, familial status,* disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership or activity in a local human rights commission,* age or genetic information.* District 196 provides equal access to designated youth groups.
The Director of Human Resources, Shelly Monson (651-423-7859 - is the designated Title IX Coordinator and has also been designated to respond to employment-related inquiries regarding the district’s non-discrimination policies. The Director of Elementary Education, Jeremy Sorenson (651-423-7782 – and the Director of Secondary Education, Michael Bolsoni (651-423-7712 – have been designated to respond to student-related inquiries regarding the district’s non-discrimination policies. The Director of Special Education, Janet Fimmen (651-423-7629 – has been designated to respond to inquiries concerning the rights of a student with a disability. The mailing address for all directors is 3455 153rd Street W, Rosemount, MN 55068. Title IX inquiries may also be referred to the Assistant Secretary of the US Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
*Asterisked categories are limited to employment-related discrimination and harassment.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
The District publishes an Overview of Student Rights and Responsibilities and mails it to every family in the fall. Included in the handbook are behavioral expectations and consequences for misbehavior that are enforced district-wide. Families and students are asked to become familiar with the expectations and consequences as early in the school year as possible. Teachers review the handbook with students during the first two weeks of school, as developmentally appropriate.
Educational Benefits Program
All District 196 families are encouraged to apply for the Educational Benefits Program (formerly known as the Free and Reduced-Price Meals Program) for each school year. A NEW application must be submitted each year.
Educational Benefits Program applications provide critical funding for schools and access to discounted activities and Community Education courses, including the Optional iPad Protection Plan for free. Learn more about how this application supports District 196 >
Only one application is needed per household. If you have questions, please call the office.
District-Issued iPads
iPad Protection Plan
iPad Student User Agreement
All families are expected to review and acknowledge the iPad Student User Agreement and either accept or decline the optional Protection Plan each school year. To review and acknowledge the iPad Student User Agreement, log in to Infinite Campus (on a computer or via the mobile app) and complete the required annual emergency contact and health information review process, which includes the iPad Student User Agreement.
iPad Optional Protection Plan
- Log in to the EduTrak Connect landing page.
- Click on the gray shopping cart icon, or tap the Go button under "Student Fees."
- Scroll down and tap "Assign" under 24-25 iPad Optional Protection Plan to assign the Protection Plan fee to your child.
- Tap "Sign Forms," and then "Yes" to proceed.
- Read the Protection Plan information, tap the box next to "I Agree" and type your name in the box under "Parent/Guardian Signature."
- Tap "Submit Responses," and then either "Add to Cart," or "Finish" and "Yes" if you have an approved Educational Benefits application.
- Scroll down and repeat the process for each of your students.
- Once you have completed the steps for all of your children, scroll up and tap "Checkout," and "Pay Now." You will see a green check mark to confirm your purchase. If your Protection Plan fee is waived with an approved Educational Benefits application, you do not need to check out.
If you don’t have an EduTrak Connect or Infinite Campus account and/or need assistance with navigation once logged in, go to and select the appropriate link for instructions.
Protection Plan Overview
What is covered:
The device MUST be in the district-issued protective case to be covered under this plan.
- Accidental Damage – The first instance (non-intentional damage) includes complete coverage (parts and labor) on all internal and external components including:
- Glass and LCD screen (layer under glass)
- Buttons
- Microphone
- Headphone jack
- Battery
- Protective case
- There is a $40 deductible for the 2nd incident during the school year
- If there is a 3rd incident, the school and family will work out an individualized plan
- Theft – must include a police report; all district electronic devices can be tracked and disabled to reduce the likelihood of theft.
What is not covered:
- Damage purposely caused or allowed by the student
- Damage occurred while the device is not in the district-issued protective case
- Loss of the device (without a police report)
- Power cord/adapter (unless covered by manufacturer’s warranty)
- Each student is provided one power cord/adapter for the iPad. Any subsequent replacement needs due to loss/damage is the responsibility of the student/family.
The student’s family is responsible for the cost of replacement (if lost or stolen) and repairs. The estimated costs of replacement and the most common repairs are as follows:
- Replacement
- iPad = $294
- Protective case = $50
- Repairs
- Damaged or broken LCD = $135
- Damaged or broken glass = $95
Any damage, loss or theft of a district-issued device should be immediately reported to a staff member, regardless of whether the Protection Plan was purchased.
Electronics from Home
Student cell phones and smartwatches are not to be used during the school hours. Students who choose to bring their cell phone to school must keep their phones powered off and in their backpacks at all times. We discourage smartwatches for elementary students as they can distract from learning. If a student uses a personal cell phone during the school day, administration may hold onto the phone for parents to pick up in the office. These items are at risk of being stolen, lost or damaged, and the school does not accept any responsibility for these items.
For safety and security, students and families who need to get in contact with one another must go through our school office and/or follow our dismissal procedures. We ask parents not to call or text their child during the day on a personal cell phone or smart watch. If you must get in touch with your child for any reason, please call our school office at 651-683-6970 or send an email to your child’s
classroom teacher.
Get Involved At Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge PTO
Visiting School
All visitors must check in at the front desk in the office. You will be asked to scan your driver’s license or enter your personal data before receiving a visitor sticker badge to wear during your visit. Classroom visits must be pre-arranged with the teacher and administration. We cannot accommodate visitors in the cafeteria; however, you may sign your child out for lunch for special occasions.
Volunteer Options
Outdoor Gear
Standard Response Protocol
District 196 has adopted The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP). Students and staff train, practice, and drill the protocol.
The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is based on an all-hazards approach as opposed to individual scenarios. SRP utilizes clear common language while allowing for flexibility in protocol. The premise is simple - there are five specific actions that can be performed during an incident. When communicating these, the action is labeled with a “Term of Art” and is then followed by a “Directive.” Execution of the action is performed by active participants, including students, staff, teachers and first responders. The SRP is based on the following actions: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter.
Safety Drills
Emergency procedure drills occur throughout the school year, as follows: lockdown drill five times per year, evacuation drill five times per year, severe weather/tornado drill one time per year, and bus evacuation two times per year. Staff are calm and reassuring during emergency drills. Students are silent and follow all directions so that all safety messages are heard by all.
Latex Balloons
Homemade Treats
School Nurse
School Policies
- Birthdays
- Daily Schedule
- Dress
- Homemade Treats
- Homework
- Lost and Found
- Party Invitations
- Telephone Calls/Usage
- Outdoor Learning
Daily Schedule
Oak Ridge’s daily schedule is as follows:
- 7:30 am - Office opens
- 8:00 am - Teacher day begins
- 9:15 am - Parent drop off starts. Students enter through main entrance.
- 9:15-9:30 am - Buses arrive
- 9:25 am - First Bell
- 9:30 am - Start of school day; classes begin
- 3:40 pm - Dismissal for walkers, students going to parent pick up and SAC students
- 3:40-3:50 pm - Dismissal for grades Preschool-5
- 3:55 pm - Busses leave
- 4:00 pm - Teacher day ends
- 4:30 pm - Office closes
Students should not be dropped off prior to 9:15 am.
No supervision is available before 9:15 am as staff members are preparing for the school day. Students who arrive before 9:15 am will remain outside until the bell rings.
Clothing with statements or advertisements that reference messages which are inappropriate for young children are not allowed (i.e., cigarettes, violence). If a student wears clothing to school that is inappropriate a staff member will speak with him/her privately. This student will be offered the option of turning a shirt inside out or wearing another shirt over the original. Parents will be informed as needed.
Shoes worn should be appropriate for gym, recess and outdoor learning.
Please label all of your student's belongings so they may be identified if misplaced.
Homemade Treats
Lost and Found
Please label all of your child's belongings so that they may be identified when misplaced. A lost and found closet is located in the hallway by the nurse’s office. Items are kept for one month and if not claimed after one month, they are donated. Make sure your child looks for lost items promptly. If items are left on a bus, check with the Transportation Department at (651) 423-7685.
Party Invitations
Invitations to parties or celebrations should not be distributed at school or on the bus. This practice supports an equitable and inclusive environment at our school and your cooperation is appreciated. The PTO provides an optional electronic directory shortly after the beginning of the school year with contact information families have chosen to share. Information to opt into this directory is available on the Back to School Parent Checklist.
Telephone Calls/Usage
Parents/guardians are encouraged to call the classroom teacher if there is ever a concern or question. If the teacher is not available, please leave your name and number, and the teacher will return your call at his/her first opportunity. We will not interrupt classrooms during the normal student day.
Please do not call and ask to speak with your child in the classroom. In an emergency, a student may be sent to the office for a phone call. Students should use the telephone at school only when absolutely necessary. Arrangements for transportation, visiting another child, etc., should be made before the student leaves home.
Cell phones and SMART watches are not to be used during the school hours. Students who choose to bring their cell phone to school must keep their phones powered off and in their backpacks at all times. We discourage smart watches for elementary students as they can distract from learning. If a student uses a personal cell phone during the school day, administration may hold onto the phone for parents to pick up in the office. These items are at risk of being stolen, lost or damaged, and the school does not accept any responsibility for these items.
Outdoor Learning
The Transportation Department communicates pickup and drop off times for students who are bused to Oak Ridge via a postcard in the mail before the school year begins. School bus patrol members are placed on every bus to assist the driver with loading and unloading passengers safely.
For detailed information including service areas, Fee-For-Service transportation, and frequently asked questions, contact the District 196 Transportation Department.
Arrival and Dismissal
School safety patrol members with stop flags are stationed at Johnny Cake Ridge Road/school driveway and at Clemson Drive/Johnny Cake Ridge Road before and after school to assist students in crossing the street safely. Patrols are available from 9:15 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. to 3:55 p.m. each day.
Students should not arrive at school prior to 9:15 am.
No supervision is available before 9:15 am as staff members are preparing for the school day. Students who arrive before 9:15 am will remain outside until the bell rings.
Guidelines for morning arrival:
- Students enter the building at 9:15 a.m. Please do not drop off prior to 9:15 a.m.
- Be prepared for drop off before you reach the parking lot (i.e., backpacks zipped, shoes tied, jackets on, hugs given).
- When your vehicle reaches the sidewalk, your child should exit and begin walking to the front doors.
- Stay in your vehicle. We will provide supervision for your child as he/she walks to the front doors of the school. You may exit the parking lot after your child leaves your vehicle.
Guidelines for afternoon dismissal:
- Families enter the parent pick up line by the north entrance off Clemson Drive. Display the Household Number*. The parent pick up line is the only place car riders should meet families.
- Families who plan to meet their child in the office should park in the parking lot and come through the front doors to the office.
- Students are not released through the Community Events Entrance or directly to the parking lot.
*Household pick up numbers are distributed at August Assessment Days. Contact the office for a replacement or additional copies.
Arriving Late or Leaving Early
If you need to pick up or drop off your child during the school day, park your vehicle in the parking lot. Please avoid the yellow curbs. If you are picking up your child, enter the main entrance and sign your child out in the main office. He/She will be called to the office to meet you. If you have an appointment, remember that it may take a few minutes for your child to be prepared to leave school. If your child is being dropped off at school in the morning after 9:30 a.m., park your car and walk to the main entrance with your child and call the school number to let us know they have arrived.
We understand that changes in pick up arrangements occur from time to time, and our office staff will assist you to make sure that students get home safely. Call the office or send a note to school if your child will be going home with a friend or another person who does not normally pick up. If at all possible, please notify us in advance and before 3pm so we can avoid classroom interruptions and communicate information to staff in a timely manner. Do not email your child’s teacher, as he/she may not have the opportunity to check email messages during the school day. Consistent pick up routines are safest, as they minimize last minute changes and prevent confusion. Parents will need to come in the school to sign out students in the office vestibule when this is not a daily routine.
Here Comes the Bus
District 196 parents whose children ride the bus to and from school each day can track the location of their child’s bus using the smartphone application "Here Comes The Bus." The app tracks buses using GPS; it does not track students. Visit the link below for more information and instructions for setting up the app. To view your student's lunch PIN (needed for app setup), sign in to Infinite Campus, tap the three lines in the upper left corner and select More > Food Service.
Students in Daycare
If you have a student in daycare, you must complete form 707.5.2P – Transportation for Students in Daycare or an Alternate Address and return it to the office.
Daycare Busing
Busing may be available for daycare locations within the Oak Ridge attendance area. Complete form 707.5.2P – Transportation for Students in Daycare or an Alternate Address. Click the link below for more information.