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Bullying Prevention

Anti-Bullying Official

Name of official: Dr. Cathy Kindem
Title: Principal
Telephone: 651-683-6970

In accordance with the Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act, we affirm that students have the right to be safe and free from threatening situations while on school property, at school activities and in district vehicles. Bullying interferes with students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to educate. It is our intent to prevent bullying from occurring, and to investigate and respond to any instance of bully that has not been prevented.

District 196 is committed to educating all students by providing a wide array of opportunities to be successful. In our schools, that begins with a safe and welcoming environment in which to learn.

Bullying behavior is not acceptable. If you are subjected to bullying or see it happening, report the incident to a staff member right away. The designated person to receive bullying reports and ensure the policy is enforced is listed below.

For more information about reporting and responding to bullying and a comprehensive definition of bullying, view our policies: 503.8AR, Bullying Prohibition or District Procedure 503.8P, Report of Bullying Behavior.

Bullying Stops Here

Stop Bullying Sign

A parents' guide to recognizing and responding to bullying

We believe that teachers and students perform their best when a culture of respect is established.


In District 196, all schools establish strategies for creating a positive school climate and use evidence-based social-emotional learning to prevent and reduce discrimination and other improper conduct. Staff model, teach and reinforce expected behaviors using research-based, developmentally appropriate best practices that include preventable and remedial measures and effective discipline to deter bullying throughout the school.

Everyone has the right to a safe and inclusive learning environment

All schools in District 196 implement a schoolwide bullying prevention program as part of a program of positive behavior support. These programs foster active student, parent and community participation.

Anti-Bullying Resources

Elementary school girl being bullying by other students